other fish to fry | muudki teha |
other fish to fry | tähtsamatki teha |
other liability costs | muud võõra kapitali kulud |
other than | muu kui |
other than | muuks kui |
others | teised |
otherwise | muidu |
otherwise | peale selle |
otherwise | teisiti |
otherwise | vastasel juhul |
otherworldly | teisest maailmast |
otherworldly | teispoolsuse |
otherworldly | vaimsete huvidega |
actinotherapy | aktinoteraapia |
actinotherapy | kiirgusravi |
aerotherapy | aeroteraapia |
aerotherapy | õhkravi |
among other things | muuhulgas |
among other things | muuseas |
and others | ja teised |
another | teine |
another | veel üks |
another go | uus üritus |
another time | kunagi hiljem |
another time | mitte praegu |
another time | teinekord |
another try | uus katse |
at some other time | kunagi hiljem |
be bothered | vaevuma |
bibliotherapy | biblioteraapia |
bibliotherapy | kirjandusravi |
Big Brother | diktaator |
Big Brother | suur vend |
big brother | vanem vend |
biotherapy | bioteraapia |
bird of another feather | teisest puust |
bird of another feather | teisest tõust |
blood brother | lihane vend |
blood brother | verevend |
blood brotherhood | verevendlus |
bother | nuhtlus |
bother | tüli tegema |
bother | tülin |
bother | tülitada |
bother | tüütama |
botheration | nuhtlus |
botheration | on vast tüütu |
botheration | tüütus |
bothered | endast väljas |
bothered | murelik |
bothered | vaevatud |
bothersome | tüütu |
bothersomely | tüütult |
brother | kaas- |
Brother | vend |
brother of the order | orduvend |
brother-in-arms | relvavend |
brother-in-law | küdi (mehevend) |
brother-in-law | nääl (naisevend) |
brother-in-law | õemees |
brotherhood | vendlus |
brotherhood | vennaskond |
brotherlike | vennalik |
brotherly | vennalik |
brotherly love | ligimesearmastus |
brotherly love | vennaarm |
brothers | vennad |
Brothers Karamazov | Vennad Karamazovid |
chemotherapy | kemoteraapia |
chromotherapy | kromoteraapia |
chrysotherapy | krüsoteraapia (ravi kullasisaldusega ainete abil) |
cryotherapy | krüoteraapia |
delinquent mother | rongaema |
dietotherapy | dieetravi |
Divine Mother | Jumalaema |
don't bother | ära endale sellega tüli tee |
don't bother | ära näe vaeva |
each other | teineteist |
earth mother | emake maa |
elderbrotherly | vanema venna kombel |
electrotherapy | elekterravi |
electrotherapy | elektroteraapia |
electrothermal instrument | elektrotermiline mõõtja |
endothermal | endotermiline |
endothermic | endotermiline (soojust neelav reaktsioon) |
endothermy | endotermia |
ever other Sunday | igal teisel pühapäeval |
every other | iga teine |
every other | üle |
every other | üle- |
every other day | ülepäeviti |
every other week | üle nädala |
foremother | esiema |
foster brother | kasuvend |
foster mother | kasuema |
geothermal | geotermiline |
get to know one another | teineteist tundma õppima |
godmother | ristiema |
grandmother | memm |
grandmother | vanaema |
Great Mother | ürgema |
great-grandmother | vanavanaema |
half brother | poolvend |
half-brother | poolvend |
have another go | veel kord proovima |
have other fish to fry | tähtsamatki teha olema |
have other things to do | muudki teha olema |
heliotherapy | päikeseravi |
heterothermic | kõigusoojane |
homeothermic | püsisoojane |
homoiothermic | püsisoojane |
homothermic | püsisoojane |
horse of another color | hoopis teine asi |
hot and bothered | närviline |
hot and bothered | tuuseldav |
housemother | (ühiselamu) komandant |
hydrotherapy | vesiravi |
hydrothermal | hüdrotermaalne |
hypnotherapy | hüpnoteraapia |
hypothermal | alajahtunud |
hypothermal | leige |
hypothermia | alajahtumine |
hypothermia | hüpotermia |
Hyracotherium | eohippus |
immunotherapy | immunoteraapia |
in any other way | ühelgi muul viisil |
in one way or another | nii või teisiti |
in other case | muul juhul |
in other words | teisisõnu |
in other words | teiste sõnadega |
in some way or other | kuidagi ikka |
isodrosotherm | isodrosoterm |
isodrosotherm | samaniiskusjoon |
isotherm | isoterm |
isotherm | samasoojusjoon |
isothermic | isotermiline |
isothermic | termos- |
lay brother | ilmikvend |
little brother | väikevend |
look the other way | (tahtlikult) mitte märkama |
look the other way | silmi kinni pigistama |
misunderstand one another | teineteisest valesti aru saama |
mother | ema |
mother | emaks olema |
mother | prototüüp |
mother board | kogumisplaat |
mother language | eelkeel (keel millest arenes teine) |
Mother Nature | emake loodus |
mother nuclide | nukliid |
Mother of God | Jumalaema |
mother of pearl | pärlmutter |
mother ship | emalaev |
mother tongue | emakeel |
Mother's Day | emadepäev |
mother-in-law | ämm |
mother-in-law | ämm (meheema |
mother-in-law | naiseema) |
mother-of-pearl | pärlmutter |
mother-of-pearl paper | pärlmutterpaber |
mother-to-be | tulevane ema |
mother-tongue | emakeel |
motherboard | emaplaat |
motherfucker | litapoeg |
motherhood | emadus |
motherliness | emaarmastus |
motherliness | emalikkus |
motherly | ema- |
motherly | emalik |
motherly | emalikult |
motherly | hoolitsevalt |
motherwort | südamerohi (Leonurus) |
narcotherapy | narkoteraapia |
neurotherapist | närviarst |
neurotherapy | neuroteraapia |
nother | teine (= an other) |
oenotherapy | veiniravi |
on the other hand | teisalt |
on the other hand | teiselt poolt |
one - the other | üks ja teine |
one after another | järjestikku |
one after the other | üks teise järel |
one another | teineteist |
one on the other | üksteise peale |
opotherapy | elundravi |
organotherapy | elundravi |
organotherapy | organoteraapia |
physiotherapy | füsioteraapia |
poikilotherm | kõigusoojane |
poikilothermy | kõigusoojasus |
poised against one another | teineteist tasakaalustama |
psychotherapist | psühhoterapeut |
psychotherapy | psühhoteraapia |
queen mother | endise kuninga lesk |
queen mother | kuninga ema |
quite another thing | hoopis teine asi |
radiotherapy | kiiritusravi |
room mother | vastutav lapsevanem (õpetaja abi kodusuhtlemisel) |
smother | lämmatada |
smother | lämmatama |
smothered mate | matt ratsuga (kuningat segavad oma nupud) |
somehow or other | mingil viisil |
somehow or other | miskitpidi |
soother | lutt |
stepbrother | poolvend |
stepmother | kasuema |
tell one thing from another | vahet teha oskama |
the other day | hiljuti |
the other day | mõni päev tagasi |
the other side | teine külg |
the other side | varjatud pool |
this and no other | see ja mitte miski muu |
turn the other cheek | teist põske ette pöörama |
twin brother | kaksikvend |
understand one another | teineteist mõistma |
uterine brother | poolvend |
within each other | üksteise sees |
zomotherapy | toore liha dieet |