(= that will)that'll

that being sokui nii
that being the casesel juhul
that is to saynimelt
that kind ofselline
that onesee
that waysinnapoole
that'll(= that will)
that's for surekindel see
that's my boyalluvale)
that's my boylapsele
that's my boytubli poiss (kiitus koerale
that's news to mesee on mulle uudiseks
that's not cricketsee pole aus
that's righttäpselt nii
that's thatjutul lõpp
that's the end of the matterjutul lõpp
that's the ideatäpselt nii
that's whysellepärast
thatched roofõlgkatus
thatched roofrookatus
thatcherõlgkatuste tegija
..of that timeselleaegne
admitting thatmööndes
admitting thatoletades et
after thatpärast seda
after thatseejärel
all's well that ends welllõpp hea kõik hea
assuming thatoletades et
at thatlisaks
at thatpealegi
at thatsel
at thatsinnapaika
at that instanttol hetkel
at that momenttol momendil
at that ratesellise tempoga
at that timetol ajal
because of thatsellepärast
bite the hand that feeds youtoitja kätt hammustama
by reason of thatsel põhjusel
Cat that Walked by HimselfKass kes kõndis omapead
despite thathoolimata sellest
despite thatselle kiuste
except thatainult et
fancy thatkujuta ette
fancy thatmõelda vaid
farther that waykaugemale
farther that waysinnapoole
for fear thatkartes et
for thatselle eest
for that mattermis sellesse puutub siis
for that matterselles suhtes
for that reasonseetõttu
given thateeldusel et
given thatteades et
got thatsaid aru
having said thatmärkigem siiski et
having said thatsellegipoolest
how is it thatmispärast
however that may bekuidas sellega ka poleks
if it be true thatkui peaks tõeks osutuma
in case thatjuhul kui
in case thatkui peaks
in thatsel
in thatsel põhjusel
in that casesellisel juhul
in that casesiis
in that daysel päeval
in that daytol ajal
in that instancesel juhul
it follows thatsellest järeldub et
not but thatmitte et (ei)
now thatnüüd kus
nuthatchpuukoristaja (Sitta)
of that ilksedasorti
of that timeselleaegne
on condition thattingimusel et
on grounds thatpõhjendusega et
provided thateeldades et
provided thatvõttes aluseks et
punishment that fits the crimeparas karistus
quote you on that(kellegi) sõnu ametlikult tsiteerima
see thathoolt kandma et
see thatveenduma et
supposing thateeldusel et
supposing thatoletades et
take it thatnii aru saama et
take it thatoletama et
taking into account thatarvesse võttes et
this and thatseda ja teist
to that endsel eesmärgil
to the end thatselleks et
up to that pointsinnamaani
upon condition thattingimusel et
were it not thatkui poleks
with the exception thatselle erandiga et
with the exception thatvälja arvatud
with the intent thatkavatsusega

Sõnu andmebaasis: inglisekeelseid 96866, eestikeelseid 99622. Sõnapaare kokku 154017.
Inglise - Eesti sõnavara baseerub EESTI KEELE INSTITUUDI toorandmebaasil.
Kasutajaliides valmistatud OÜ's ANIMATO.
Antud veebiteenus on vaba kõigile kasutajatele ja seetõttu ei kanna teenusepakkuja mingit vastutust selle teenuse kasutamisest tekkida võivate probleemide osas.
EN-ET sõnaraamatu veebiteenust osutatakse põhimõttel "ON NAGU ON".

EN-ET 2005.12.12. Edukalt tuvastatud 166559650 sõna.