hat lining | mütsivooder |
hat rack | mütsivarn |
hat shop | kübarapood |
hat tree | varn (eraldiseisev) |
hat trick | kübaratrikk (kolm väravat vm ühes mängus) |
hatband | kübarapael |
hatbox | kübarakarp |
hatbrim | kaabuserv |
hatch | hauduma |
hatch | hermeetiline uks |
hatch | kooruma |
hatch | luuk |
hatch | viirutama |
hatch a plot | plaane hauduma |
hatch coamings | luugikrae |
hatchback | luukpära |
hatched | koorunud |
hatched | välja hautud |
hatched | viirutatud |
hatchel | kraasima |
hatchery | haudejaam |
hatchery | inkubaator |
hatchery | kasvandus |
hatchet | lihakirves |
hatchet | väike kirves |
hatchet face | kirvenägu |
hatchet job | kallaletung |
hatchetman | palgamõrvar |
hatchetman | täidesaatja |
hatching | haudumine |
hatching | viirutus |
hatching station | haudejaam |
hatchling | vastkoorunud (lind) |
hatchway | luuk |
hate | viha |
hate | vihata |
hate | vihkama |
hate | vihkamine |
hated | vihatud |
hateful | vastik |
hateful | vihkamisväärne |
hatefully | vastikult |
hatefulness | vastikus |
hatemonger | vihaõhutaja |
hater | vihkaja |
hatful | mütsitäis |
hatful | suur hunnik |
hatha-yoga | hatha-jooga |
hatless | paljapäi |
hatmaker | kübarategija |
hatpin | kübaranõel |
hatrack | kübarariiul |
hatrack | nagi |
hatred | viha |
hatred | vihkamine |
hatstand | kübaravarn |
hatted | kübarat kandev |
hatter | kübarategija |
hatter | kübarsepp |
..of that time | selleaegne |
achates | ustav sõber |
admitting that | mööndes |
admitting that | oletades et |
after that | pärast seda |
after that | seejärel |
air hatch | õhuluuk |
all's well that ends well | lõpp hea kõik hea |
Arhat | arhat |
Arhat | nirvaana saavutanu |
assuming that | oletades et |
at that | lisaks |
at that | pealegi |
at that | sel |
at that | sinnapaika |
at that instant | tol hetkel |
at that moment | tol momendil |
at that rate | sellise tempoga |
at that time | tol ajal |
at the drop of a hat | jalamaid |
backchat | nööge |
bad hat | tüliõhutaja |
barium sulphate | baariumsulfaat |
be shattered | puruneda |
because of that | sellepärast |
bite the hand that feeds you | toitja kätt hammustama |
booby hatch | hullumaja |
booby hatch | seevald |
bottom hatch | põhjaluuk |
brass hat | kõrgem ohvitser |
broad hatchet | hellebard |
bury the hatchet | sõjakirvest maha matma |
by reason of that | sel põhjusel |
calcium sulphate | kaltsiumsulfaat |
calcium sulphate | kips |
caliphate | kalifaat |
cardinal's hat | kardinalimüts |
cargo hatch | koormaluuk |
cargo hatch | laadluuk |
Cat that Walked by Himself | Kass kes kõndis omapead |
chat | juttu ajada |
chat | jutuajamine |
chat | jutustada |
chat | lobisema |
chat | lobisemine |
chat | rääkida |
chat | sirin |
chat | täks |
chat | vestlema |
chat | vestlus |
chat show | vestlussaade |
chat up | flirtima |
chat up | moosima |
chat up | pehmeks rääkima |
chateau | härrastemaja |
chateau | loss |
chatelaine | kapellaan |
chatline | lõbuliin |
chatline | telefonikonverents |
chatoyant | kassi silmana pimedas helendav |
chatoyant | küütlev |
chatroom | jututuba |
chattel | vallasvara (vastandina kinnisvarale) |
chattel | vara |
chattel mortgage | pandileping vallasvarale |
chattel mortgage | vallasvarahüpoteek |
chatter | jutuvada |
chatter | latrama |
chatter | lobisemine |
chatter | lõgin |
chatter | mulin |
chatter | plagin |
chatter | plagisema |
chatter | vaterdada |
chatter-box | latatara |
chatterbox | latatara |
chatterbox | laterdaja |
chatterbox | lobiseja |
chatterbox | lõuapoolik |
chatterer | lobamokk |
chattering | lõgin |
chattering | plagisev |
chattering | vidistav |
chattering of the teeth | hammaste plagin |
chattily | jutukalt |
chattiness | jutukus |
chattiness | lobisemishimu |
chatty | jutukas |
chatty | lobisev |
chatty article | följeton |
chatty article | jutt |
chimney-pot hat | torukübar |
chit-chat | lobisemine |
chit-chat | pinnapealne jutt |
chitchat | lobisemine |
class hatred | klassiviha |
cleanout hatch | puhastusluuk |
cock your hat | kübarat poolviltu pähe panema |
cocked hat | üleskeeratud servadega müts |
come what may | tulgu mis tuleb |
copper sulphate | vasksulfaat |
cossack hat | kasakamüts |
cost what it may | maksku mis maksab |
cowboy hat | kauboikübar |
cross-hatching | ristviirutus |
crosshatch | viirutama |
crosshatch | viirutus |
crosshatched | viirutatud |
despite that | hoolimata sellest |
despite that | selle kiuste |
dig up the hatchet | vaenukirvest välja kaevama |
do what you are told | tegema nagu kästud |
do what you have to do | tegema mis teha tuleb |
down the hatch | põhjani |
dress hat | silinderkübar |
Eastern Ghats | Ida-Ghatid |
emphatic | järsk |
emphatic | kaalukas |
emphatic | otsustav |
emphatic | rõhutatud |
emphatically | otsustavalt |
emphatically | rõhutatult |
emphatically | ühemõtteliselt |
entrechat | balletisamm |
entrechat | jalgade ristamine |
escape hatch | avariiluuk |
eschatological | eshatoloogiline |
eschatologist | eshatoloog |
eschatology | eshatoloogia (õpetus maailma lõpust) |
eschaton | maailma lõpp |
eschaton | viimne asi |
except that | ainult et |
fancy that | kujuta ette |
fancy that | mõelda vaid |
farther that way | kaugemale |
farther that way | sinnapoole |
felt hat | viltkaabu |
ferrous sulphate | ferrosulfaat |
fish-hatching | kalakasvatus |
flat-hat | maa kohal lendama |
flat-hat | madalalt lendama |
flat-hatting | madallend |
for fear that | kartes et |
for that | selle eest |
for that matter | mis sellesse puutub siis |
for that matter | selles suhtes |
for that reason | seetõttu |
for what reason | mistõttu |
for whatever reason | mistahes põhjusel |
full of hate | vihast pulbitsev |
full of hatred | vihkamist täis |
given that | eeldusel et |
given that | teades et |
goods and chattels | vallasvara |
got that | said aru |
happen what may | saagu mis saab |
hard hat | kiiver (ehitajal) |
hard hat | kõvakübar |
have what it takes | eeldusi olema |
having said that | märkigem siiski et |
having said that | sellegipoolest |
high hat | torukübar |
how is it that | mispärast |
however that may be | kuidas sellega ka poleks |
idle chat | tühi loba |
if it be true that | kui peaks tõeks osutuma |
in case that | juhul kui |
in case that | kui peaks |
in that | sel |
in that | sel põhjusel |
in that case | sellisel juhul |
in that case | siis |
in that day | sel päeval |
in that day | tol ajal |
in that instance | sel juhul |
iron sulphate | ferrosulfaat |
it follows that | sellest järeldub et |
Kamchatka | Kamtšatka |
keep it under your hat | enda teada jätma |
Lady Chatterley's Lover | Leedi Chatterley armuke |
lift the hat | mütsi kergitama |
loading hatch | koorma) veoluuk |
look what the cat dragged in | panni all käisid või (keegi saabus räpasena) |
lymphatic | lümfi- |
mad as a hatter | peast põrunud |
mahatma | mahatma (üllas ja isetu juht) |
main hatch | suur luuk |
marking hatchet | markeerimiskirves |
no matter what | ükskõik mida |
not but that | mitte et (ei) |
not but what | mitte et (ei oleks) |
now that | nüüd kus |
nuthatch | puukoristaja (Sitta) |
of that ilk | sedasorti |
of that time | selleaegne |
on condition that | tingimusel et |
on grounds that | põhjendusega et |
opera hat | ooperikübar |
Panama hat | panamakübar |
pass the hat | mütsi ringi saatma |
pass the hat | raha korjama |
patriarchate | patriarhaat |
pet hate | eriliselt vastik asi |
phatic | faatiline (puhtseltskondlik) |
phosphate | fosfaat |
phosphate | fosfaat (fosforväetis) |
phosphatide | fosfatiid |
provided that | eeldades et |
provided that | võttes aluseks et |
punishment that fits the crime | paras karistus |
quote you on that | (kellegi) sõnu ametlikult tsiteerima |
race hatred | rassivaen |
racial hatred | rassiviha |
record-shattering | rekordiline |
sailor hat | meremehemüts |
see that | hoolt kandma et |
see that | veenduma et |
see what can be done | vaatama mis teha annab |
see what you can do | vaatama mis teha annab |
shatter | (kildudeks) purunema |
shatter your hopes | lootusi purustama |
shatterproof | purunemiskindel |
silk hat | siidkübar |
slouch hat | (laiaservaline) viltkübar |
sodium sulphate | naatriumsulfaat |
somewhat | mõnevõrra |
somewhat deaf | halva kuulmisega |
stonechat | kaelustäks (Saxicola torquata) |
stovepipe hat | silinderkaabu |
straw hat | õlgkübar |
sulphate | sulfaat |
sulphate pulp | sulfaattselluloos |
sulphation | sulfaatumine |
superphosphate | superfosfaat |
supposing that | eeldusel et |
supposing that | oletades et |
take it that | nii aru saama et |
take it that | oletama et |
take off your hat to | (kellegi ees) mütsi maha võtma |
take your hat off to | (kellegi) ees mütsi maha võtma |
taking into account that | arvesse võttes et |
talk through your hat | jaburat juttu ajama |
that | et |
that | see |
that being so | kui nii |
that being the case | sel juhul |
that is to say | nimelt |
that kind of | selline |
that one | see |
that way | sinnapoole |
that'll | (= that will) |
that's for sure | kindel see |
that's my boy | alluvale) |
that's my boy | lapsele |
that's my boy | tubli poiss (kiitus koerale |
that's news to me | see on mulle uudiseks |
that's not cricket | see pole aus |
that's right | täpselt nii |
that's that | jutul lõpp |
that's the end of the matter | jutul lõpp |
that's the idea | täpselt nii |
that's why | sellepärast |
thataway | nõndaviisi |
thataway | sedapsi |
thatch | õled |
thatch | pilliroog |
thatched roof | õlgkatus |
thatched roof | rookatus |
thatcher | õlgkatuste tegija |
Thatcher | Thatcher |
thiosulphate | tiosulfaat |
this and that | seda ja teist |
to that end | sel eesmärgil |
to the end that | selleks et |
to what extent | mil määral |
top hat | silinder(kübar) |
top silk hat | silinderkübar |
touch the hat | kaabuserva puudutama |
trilby hat | viltkaabu |
up to that point | sinnamaani |
upon condition that | tingimusel et |
were it not that | kui poleks |
Western Ghats | Lääne-Ghatid |
what | mida |
what | milline |
what | mis |
what a life | on vast elu |
what a pity! | kui kahju |
what about? | aga? |
what does it matter | mis tähtsust sel on |
what ever | mis iganes |
what if | aga kui |
what if | mida teha kui |
what if | mis saab siis kui |
what in hell | mida põrgut |
what is done | mis tehtud |
what is your name | mis su nimi on |
what kind of | milline |
what on earth | mida ometi |
what the heck | mida põrgut |
what the hell | mida põrgut |
what will be will be | mis tuleb see tuleb |
what's it to you | mis see sulle korda läheb |
what's the difference | mis vahet siin on |
what's what | asja tuum |
what's what | asjade seis |
what's what | olulised asjad |
what's-his-name | mis-ta-nimi-nüüd-oligi |
what-have-you | või mis sul ka poleks |
whatever | mida iganes |
whatever | mida tahes |
whatever | mis iganes |
whatever comes | tulgu mis tuleb |
whatever may happen | ükskõik mis võib juhtuda |
whatever the cost | iga hinna eest |
whatever the cost | ükskõik mis hinnaga |
whatman | vatman (paber) |
whatnot | ja kõike muud |
whatnot | ja mida kõike veel |
whatnot | ja nõnda edasi |
whatsoever | mis iganes |
whinchat | kadakatäks (Saxicola rubetra) |
whinchats | kadakatäksid (Saxicola rubetra) |
with the exception that | selle erandiga et |
with the exception that | välja arvatud |
with the intent that | kavatsusega |
woodchat shrike | punapea-õgija (Lanius senator) |
xanthates | ksantaadid |
you-know-what | tead küll mis |
Yves Chataigneau | Yves Chataigneau |